5 things I learned today.

Posted on December 15, 2010


In the past 2 days I have been putting together some contract work as well as attending some seminars and along the way I have discovered some cool things for myself. I thought that you may find some of them helpful and or interesting.

1. I really am a social media geek!

2.. 76% of marketers are using 4 hours a week on social media marketing.

3. Email marketing is not only AWESOME but necessary!

What will email do for you?

  • Boost repeat biz
  • Create and increase awareness
  • Drive revenue and profits

4. Nutshellmail.com is a great way to bring all the updates and gib gib jab of social media together in one convenient email. Check it out. It is pretty cool and it’s FREE. http://nutshellmail.com/

5. If you are an outlook user you need to check out http://www.xobni.com/. This is a tool that will help integrate social media into your email as well as keep track of how you email and statistics about who you email. Just check it out…If you are on outlook you will love it! I am waiting patiently for them to come up with a mac version…